ISHLTaccess Supporter - Exclusive support for 2 issues

One of ISHLT membership’s most valuable benefits, ISHLTaccess is the ISHLT’s official newsletter, produced biweekly and sent to more than 3,400 ISHLT members and supporters. Your support of ISHLTaccess shows your support of the industry.

Availability: 12 in stock

Specifications and Support Includes:

  • Total of two articles, features, or infographics (one per issue) about your company or a product (subject to ISHLT editorial review and approval). Word limit is
  • Logo and banner ad (artwork provided by the supporter and approved by ISHLT) included in each 600 pixels wide X 150 pixels high / 90 PPI in PNG or JPEG format.
  • ISHLT will share ISHLTaccess Company supporter may select issues, based on availability.